Information Security

Protecting Kalamazoo College’s confidential information systems requires a comprehensive approach. Everyone who has access to information has a role to play in keeping that information secure.

Viruses and Spyware

  • Computer Virus Policy

Information Security Training

  • Securing the Human
  • Questions

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • About MFA
  • MFA Implementation & Set-Up
  • MFA Troubleshooting

Security-related Announcements

The power of timely updates!

Automatic software updates work silently to protect your devices. Say goodbye to outdated software and embrace the power of the latest features, enhanced performance, and tightened security. Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. Stay a step ahead by enabling automatic software updates. Think of them as an invisible shield that fortifies your devices…

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Cybersecurity Pro Tip

Did you know the average person has over 100 passwords online? Here’s an easy pro tip: a Password Manager can do all the managing of strong, unique passwords for each account. Password Managers 1. Save time 2. Suggest strong passwords and 3. Identify weak passwords. Learn more from the National Cybersecurity Alliance

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Don’t Get Hooked!

Phishing emails are like sneaky bait trying to reel you in. Learn how to spot them and report those fishy attempts to keep your inbox clean and your personal information safe. Phishing is when criminals use fake emails, social media posts or direct messages with the goal of luring you to click on a bad link…

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