Information Services Announcements

#CybersecurityAwarenessMonth Tip

Cellphone installing updates

If you connect it, protect it. Outsmart cyber criminals by regularly updating your software. If you install the latest updates for devices, software, and apps, not only are you getting the best security available, but you also ensure that you get access to the latest features and upgrades. However, you can only benefit if you […]

Service disruption: Hornet HQ

2023-Oct-20 10:01 Information Services is diagnosing a problem with Hornet HQ Friday morning. Stay tuned for more information. 2023-Oct-20 10:24 Information Services is waiting for a response from Ellucian, the vendor for this software product. 2023-Oct-20 11:30 Service has been restored. Thanks for your patience.

Cybersecurity Pro Tip

screenshot of password entry field

Did you know the average person has over 100 passwords online? Here’s an easy pro tip: a Password Manager can do all the managing of strong, unique passwords for each account. Password Managers 1. Save time 2. Suggest strong passwords and 3. Identify weak passwords. Learn more from the National Cybersecurity Alliance

Don’t Get Hooked!

fishing hook piercing a paper with username and password entry

Phishing emails are like sneaky bait trying to reel you in. Learn how to spot them and report those fishy attempts to keep your inbox clean and your personal information safe. Phishing is when criminals use fake emails, social media posts or direct messages with the goal of luring you to click on a bad link […]

Cybersecurity Tip: Report phishing

Laptop email program

Reporting a scam is your best line of defense against cyber incidents. Don’t hesitate to call out phishing attempts. One of the best ways to take down cybercriminals is by reporting phishing attempts, and nowadays its easier than ever. If the email came to your K email address, report it to the Help Desk as quickly as […]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Person authenticating on a cell phone

Make it harder for cybercriminals to access your account by enabling multi-factor authentication. What is multi-factor authentication?  Multi-factor authentication is sometimes called two-factor authentication or two-step verification, and it is often abbreviated to MFA. No matter what you call it, multi-factor authentication is a cybersecurity measure for an account that requires anyone logging in to […]