Wi-Fi Outage Reporting Form

Thank you for reporting a Wi-Fi Outage. Before starting the form please review and try the steps outlined on the Wi-Fi Troubleshooting section.
Note: If you are using an Android 10 or iOS 14 you will need to disable MAC randomization on your device before submitting this form. See Wi-Fi Troubleshooting for directions on how to do so.

For further questions, comments, or concerns please email HelpDesk@kzoo.edu.

Wi-Fi Outage Report Form

When completing the form below, please keep these questions in mind:

  • What are the words or pictures or symbols on your screen that let you know you’re having a Wi-Fi problem?
  • Words like ‘disconnected’ and ‘not online’ and ‘does not work’ mean different things to different people. They are not specific enough to indicate which specific problem may be happening. The Wi-Fi words and pictures and symbols that appear on your screen during a Wi-Fi problem have very specific meanings, and can help us find the root cause.
  • If you can attach a screenshot, that really, really helps.
  • Without specifics, it will likely be hard for us to help.
  • Please complete multiple, specific, detailed reports of the problem as it happens.

Please Login to use this form.