New Software for Labs and Classrooms

  • A faculty member wishing to have software added to microcomputers in any of the labs must supply Information Services with a copy of the program and work with the staff to prepare a series of tests to verify the software’s functionality.  The testing phase could last a day or longer.
  • If a faculty member supplies the software, a copy of the software license also must be supplied for our records.  We will not load software that is not properly licensed.
  • After successful tests Information Services’ offices, two weeks’ notice is needed to load the software on lab machines.
  • The Information Services Department will review software requests on a regular basis to decide which packages are eligible for institutional funding.  Software to be used by many departments will receive higher priority.  Software requests for one course or one department will be reviewed and prioritized by the committee.
  • While software for use by everyone on campus will be installed in all lab machines, software which will be used only by an individual department will be installed only in the labs of the building in which the department resides or in a lab agreed upon by the department and Information Services.